
Dissertation Party

1. : Ainina
2. : Adin
3. : Dindam
4. : Icul

周三是领取毕业服的日子!Kita-kita pada di treat makanan, gue sama yang lain seneng sekali karena makanannya enak. Ainina milihin makanan yang super enak buat kita-kita. Terus kita foto-foto, bergaya senyum dan semacamnya. I had so much fun! Pada akhirnya gue akan kangen banget sama ni grup. Padahal dulu gue nggak expect tentang si orang-orang Bimbingan Doriza yang ternyata bisa selesai barengan, yang sebelumnya kepala gue suka mendadak pusing dan auto mengeluh. Tentang Ainina yang ngambil jenis penelitian yang sama kayak gue, tentang si Adin yang suka jadi tempat berkeluh kesah dan tempat janjian berangkat, tentang si Dindam yang saat gue mulai mager bikin poster dan bilang menyala dean, atau tentang Icul yang super unik santuy tapi selesai. Sekarang gue kalau inget masa-masa itu kita semua keren banget :-(
Anyways, 我祝愿你们在人生的下一个阶段一切顺利!
I'm gonna be missing you, guys! ♥︎♥︎♥︎


Lagi liat-liat youtube channel gue yang lain, terus ada video ini yang dibikin pas lagi semrawut. Baru inget waktu itu ambil handphone dan kamera langsung ngerekam apa aja hehehe.


Kerja gue hari ini cukup banyak dan kemarin sempet nggak terlalu banyak beserta kemarin-kemarinnya itu banyak juga. Bener-bener ngerasa jadi orang yang butuh waktu lebih dari 24 jam. Ah bodooo∼



Siang ini ngedit-ngedit video sementara dari Pagi ke Menjelang Siang yang berjarak hanya beberapa jam saja period gue dateng. Yang pasti kayaknya gue nggak bisa semangat bener-bener karena gue kayaknya radang terus period yang dateng siap bikin gue agak lemes kapan pun selagi masih di awal period. Tiga hari ini banyak sodara-sodara yang dateng. Pertanyaannya nggak jauh dari kapan dan kapan. Bingung...

muka males ngadepin pertanyaan sodara.


It's Wednesday, Wednesday, We We We So Excited

Seperti biasa, hari sebelumnya, niatnya nggak mau ngapa-ngapain, dengerin takbiran aja.

Wakakak. Ikutan bocil-bocil.... :)

Ngomong-ngomong kemarin yang niatnya nggak mau ngapa-ngapain, tiba-tiba ngedenger adek kayak mau ledak-ledakan. Ehhhh ternyata jadi kepengen ikutan. Dia beli petasan-petasan & kembang api sama temen-temennya. Perasaan gue hari ini 10 April Idul Fitri 2024, kayak hari baru dan harus jadi diri yang baru :-)
Tapi seru siiihhhh kemarin malem-malem ada yang meledak-ledak dan nyala-nyala gitu :D
Walaupun kembang api nya agak susah dinyalain karena dingin tapi langsung ambil HP sambil motoin ginian *Nggak ada kerjaan* *Bodo amat*



Hey there, fellow weekend enthusiasts! How's it going? Ah, the weekend – that magical time when the world seems to slow down just a bit, and we finally get a chance to catch our breath and do whatever makes our hearts sing.

So, what's on your agenda for this weekend? Let's dive into the chill and spill of weekend vibes!

First things first, can we all agree that Fridays have this special sparkle to them? It's like the universe whispers, "You made it, champ!" There's just something so liberating about leaving work behind and stepping into the weekend with open arms.

Whether you're planning a wild night out or cozying up on the couch with your favorite snacks and Netflix, Friday nights are for letting loose and celebrating the little victories of the week.

This is an old photos x)

And then comes Saturday – the MVP of the weekend. Is there anything better than waking up on a Saturday morning and realizing you have a whole day of endless possibilities ahead? It's like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with adventures, laughter, and maybe a little bit of spontaneity. From brunch dates with friends to solo excursions in nature, Saturdays are made for making memories.

But hey, let's not forget about Sundays. Sure, there might be a hint of melancholy knowing that Monday is lurking around the corner, but Sundays are all about embracing that slow-paced, cozy vibe. It's the perfect time to recharge your batteries, reflect on the week that was, and maybe even indulge in a little self-care. Whether you're sipping on a hot cup of tea while wrapped in a blanket burrito or taking a leisurely stroll through the park, Sundays are for nurturing your soul and preparing for the week ahead.

Didn't I mention that this is an old photos when I'm in high school?

Of course, everyone's weekend rituals are unique, and that's the beauty of it! Whether you're a social butterfly fluttering from one event to the next or a homebody reveling in the simple joys of solitude, the weekend is your time to do you. So, go ahead and seize the day – or embrace the art of doing absolutely nothing. After all, isn't that what weekends are all about?

As we bid adieu to another glorious weekend, let's raise a glass of water (or a mug of hot matcha, no judgment here) to the memories made, the laughs shared, and the moments cherished. Here's to the weekend warriors, the relaxation champions, and everyone in between. May your weekends be filled with endless joy, boundless adventure, and the sweet satisfaction of doing exactly what sets your soul on fire.

So yeah, that's all for today. I'm hoping you enjoy my spirit, although it's maybe-boring-for-you. But who cares? I enjoyed it.

Cheers to the weekend! Until next time, keep the weekend vibes alive and kicking. Peace out!